Is it time to replace your pool liner? Has the summer sun exposure caused the vinyl above the water level to breakdown and tear? Has groundwater or leaks caused permanent wrinkles, or has it has faded so much that it is no longer ascetically pleasing? Living in an area that is susceptible to ground water problems and having the ground water sit under the liner for any period of time can decrease the life span of a liner.

If any of the above issues relates to your pool liner than it may be time for a change. Although a change may be apparent, if you have received more than 10 years out your existing one than the liner has paid for itself.

On average liners will last between 8-12 years. Many uncontrollable factors such as sun exposure, ground water, & leaks can affect longevity, but the most important is water chemistry. A well balanced pool is the key to making a liner last longer. A liner is custom fit to your pool and it is critical that the measurements are accurate prior to the manufacturing process.

The best time to replace a liner is in the spring so you do not lose any of those summer swimming weeks when you want to be using the pool. Spring is usually the busiest period for liner replacements and manufacturing plants can often get overwhelmed. The usual time for manufacturing a liner is 2 weeks. It is also common you may not have the luxury of being able to decide when to replace the liner when a major tear or hole is present.

If you are in need of a new liner, please contact us and we will be happy to provide a free quote for replacement. The earlier you decide the earlier we can get started and help “bring happiness to the backyard “again.

Mirage Pools is the best choice for replacement Vinyl Swimming Pool liners in the Burlington, Oakville, Waterdown & Halton Region.

Click here to link to more information on our replacement vinyl liner service:

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